
“I hate yoga”, and other realizations that come and go like waves in the ocean.

“I hate yoga”, and other realizations that come and go like waves in the ocean. 1334 888 JOY IS NOT OPTIONAL

I woke up with a really odd feeling the other day. Yoga, the great sustainer, my love for her was gone. What happened? A pandemic happened and we all deal…

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Overwhelmed? Meditate.

Overwhelmed? Meditate. 784 590 JOY IS NOT OPTIONAL

There are so many things we can do with our time. We family, work, workout, self-care. Sometimes I don’t know where to begin. I find myself wanting to throw in…

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6 Essential Ayurvedic Spices

6 Essential Ayurvedic Spices 1360 908 JOY IS NOT OPTIONAL

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. Developed more than 3,000 years ago in India, it says that the health and wellness of the individual depend on…

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How To Give

How To Give 1000 750 JOY IS NOT OPTIONAL

To stay elastic, bend and give seems like a given if you have an asana practice. Physically we are stretching ourselves, molding our bodies into shapes that our day to…

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