What I think about when I think about 2020.

What I think about when I think about 2020.

What I think about when I think about 2020. 732 422 JOY IS NOT OPTIONAL

I think about the 1.8 million lives lost worldwide to Covid.
I think about the front line workers and supporting staff who have gone beyond the beyond to ensure our health and safety and the postal carriers who kept us in communication and in business They all risked their lives for our benefit.
I think about the jobs that vanished and the families who suffered from no income. I think about the scientists who worked tirelessly to find a vaccine.  I think about all of this when I leave my house for any reason, which is now so very very specific.

I think about  Breonna, George, Rashad, Daniel, Ahmad, and the 192 Black American people shot by Police.
I think about the 43 transgender or gender non-conforming people
lost to brutal deaths.

I think about the lemonade that was new voters, mask wearers, the BLM movement, the WP4BLM movement, The Trans Rights movement, protests, demonstrations, those who checked their privilege and used it for good.

I think about ZOOM and how it changed the game for all of us.
I think about my blood family and laughter, my niece’s hugs, and the brilliance of WhatsApp.
I think about how physically and mentally strong I have become because of
Manouso Manos, Nicole Sciacca, Leslie Peters, Matt Phippen and Corrin Pearce.

I think about my rekindled desire to work as an actress.

I think about the families that “FAMILIED” me,  keeping me sane and loved,
and the yoga community that gave me a deeper sense of purpose and connection.

I think about the summer in the sand, socially distant, with my POD peeps. I loved being tan and in a bathing suit for the first time in my life.

I think about my 50th Birthday. Short, sweet, and I never took my sweat pants off. PERFECTION.

I think about the trove of books that I failed to read, the languages I did not learn, the pull up I have yet to do without banded weight, the technology I had no bandwidth to absorb,
and then I think about how nice it is that I am ok with it,
a true reflection of the work I DID do this year, FORGIVENESS.

I think about the miles my dog has walked me, the snow he saw and played in for the very first time, and the ONE language that I developed a deeper connection to, LOVE.

I think of you who have kept me accountable when all bets were off.
I think about the GOODNESS and GENEROSITY  that has come out of this EPIC measure of time.

I got some new glasses and I can SEE CLEARLY NOW.
I know what is important and where to put my focus.

I found out what we are made of, capable of and what
we can all accomplish together.

Peace out.